a simple retirement planning spreadsheet
myRetirementBudget will help you compare your future expected retirement income, expenses and savings in a single but easy-to-read graphic.
Inventory your expected retirement resources: income and savings. Then create a budget for retirement expenses. You can go top-down but this spreadsheet will facilitate a comprehensive and detailed bottoms-up approach with spending categories, sub-categories and helpful worksheets.
Compare your expected retirement income and spending. myRetirementBudget will do the projections for you; accommodating the appropriate taxability of plan types like as 401(k), HSA, Roth, IRA's, pensions, annuities, mutual funds and more. Income taxes, health care costs, inflation and debts will be calculated explicitly.
Assess your plan as-is or with alternative scenarios: withdrawal strategies, investment return fluctuations, high inflation, medical costs and other gotchas, just in case. See how your savings lasts compared to expected longevity and legacy goals.
Free to use. Free of judgment.